Travel Soccer Tryouts
GCKA Travel Soccer Tryouts
Tryouts are run by our travel soccer technical directors and coaches. For the 2025-26 season, we will have three separate tryout engagements: one for our 11-a-side teams, once for out 9-a-side teams, and one for our 7-a-side teams. Details are below.
Players must tryout to be offered a spot on a team roster.
Registration for tryouts is now open!
The tryout process and guidelines can be seen <here>.
Save the Dates
- 11v11 Tryouts: Week of May 12th
- 9v9 Tryouts: Week of May 19th
- 7v7 Tryouts: Week of May 26th
2025-26 Age Groups
- 11v11: U14 (2012), U13 (2013)
- 9v9: U12 (2014), U11 (2015)
- 7v7: U10 (2016), U9 (2017), U8 (2018)
Murfin Field Locations
- 11v11: Coming soon...
- 9v9: Coming soon...
- 7v7: Coming soon...