Emergency Action Plan & Inclement Weather Policy



GCKA understands that sports are a growth vehicle for young athletes, and we take safety very seriously. All GCKA participants, including players, coaches, administrative staff, parents, and other spectators, should be aware of and adhere to this policy. Return to play scenarios may vary depending on the situation.




An Emergency Action Plan, aka EAP, is a written guide used to assist in a medical or safety emergency. This EAP shall be reviewed and updated accordingly on a regular basis. This EAP shall be in effect for the Location listed below.


Location & General Contact Information


Murfin Fields

4570 Haughn Rd.
Grove City, Ohio 43123
Phone: 614-871-0080
Email: gckasports@yahoo.com



Person Emergencies and Injuries


This is not considered a full list of possible scenarios.


Cardiac Arrest


If a person is suspected of having experienced a sudden cardiac arrest, check for responsiveness, call 911, and begin CPR compressions.  An AED should be brought to the scene.


There are two AEDs located at Murfin Field. One is at the Concession stand at the GCKA main office building, and the other is on the back of the maintenance barn.


Medical Needs


Parents should inform the coach [privately] if their player has been diagnosed with a medical condition that may affect the player’s playing status; for example: asthma, allergies, diabetes, concussions, sprains, broken bones, etc.


Coaches shall not administer any medication to players.




The Concussion Recognition Tool 5 is an on-field resource that coaches can use to identify and observe signs and symptoms of a possible concussion.  A player who sustains a head or neck injury shall be removed from play when safe to do so and should be evaluated by a coach and/or medical professional determinate upon the severity of the injury.  If a player is diagnosed with a concussion, only a licensed medical professional can clear the player to return to play; this clearance should come in the form of a written release.





All outdoor activities shall be suspended by 30 minutes if there is lightning in the area.  Thunder itself may not initiate an emergency.  Each time lightning is spotted, the 30-minute waiting period will be reinitiated.  When severe weather is imminent, air-horns may be used for on-site notifications.  Accordingly, all persons (i.e., players, coaches, parents, spectators) must seek shelter immediately.  Coaches will be responsible for communicating with players and parents/guardians via the appropriate channels.


Coaches may work with the Facilities administrators to determine the best return to play options.


Winter Weather


If Franklin County is placed under a Snow Emergency, the following action shall be taken:


Level 1 Snow Emergency


All facilities will remain open.  Play may be suspended if the Coaches, Referees, and/or Facility Administrator deem it appropriate.  Please use extra caution while traveling to/from the facility.


Level 2 & 3 Snow Emergency


All facilities will close immediately and will remain closed for the duration of the emergency event.  Activities that are in progress at the time a Level 2 Emergency is declared will be suspended and participants will be asked to vacate the premise to expedite the closing of the facility.




We will follow the U.S. Soccer Foundation established Cold Weather Guidelines document.  The pdf may be accessed <here> for reference.




We will follow the U.S. Soccer Foundations established Heat Guidelines document.  The pdf may be accessed <here> for reference.


Air Quality


If applicable, use the www.AIRNOW.gov website to determine the Air Quality Index (AQI) in the local area.  Pending the AQI result, additional hydration breaks may be warranted during the event.  Delaying or cancelling the event may also be considered for participant safety.





Parents/Guardians and coaches should keep a list of all other parents/guardians and coaches contact information (i.e., phone numbers) with them at all times.  It is especially important in cases of emergency.


Parents/guardians shall inform the coach if delays arriving to the facilities will occur, or if the player will not be attending the Club’s event.


Coaches will stay with the team members to ensure everyone has a ride home, particularly if there is a delay in picking the player up due to a weather event.




Field status and current news will be posted on the GCKA home page.






Please check the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office website for the most current Snow Level Emergency updates.


Please refer to the City of Columbus – Field Conditions website or call the Recreation & Parks Weather line at 614-645-RAIN (7246) for updates on their facility status.  NOTE: This does NOT apply to Murfin Fields.


Please refer to the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s Environmental Conditions website for related information.


U.S. Soccer’s Comprehensive Player Health and Safety Program “Recognize to Recover” may be found <here>.


Please contact the GCKA Executive Director if there are any questions, comments, or concerns.


Thank You.