
Registration & Team Creation Policy

Registration deadlines will be hard dates and no additional registrations will be taken past the deadline. Additionally, no team movement will be allowed after the first week of practices of any season.


Sideline Attendance Policy

Our athletes work very hard and learn a lot of new skills in a very short period of time. Attendance is critical to both the safety and success of the team. Each spot is important and absences effect other athletes on the team.

All athletes are expected to be present and on time to each practice. We understand that things do happen from time to time. If your athlete is expected to be late to practice, please communicate with your coach as soon as possible.

Additional attendance policies are as follows:

  1. All practices and assigned football games are considered mandatory.
  2. Athletes are allowed up to 4 absences, for any reason, during the season. In the event that these absences are exceeded, the athlete and parent will be asked to meet with the coach.
  3. In the unfortunate event of an injury, the athlete is strongly encouraged to continue to show up for practices. They can continue to learn through watching their teammates.


Competition Team Attendance Policy

Our athletes work very hard and learn a lot of new skills in a very short period of time. Attendance is critical to both the safety and success of the team. Each spot is important and absences effect other athletes on the team.

All athletes are expected to be present and on time to each practice. We understand that things do happen from time to time. If your athlete is expected to be late to practice, please communicate with your coach as soon as possible. If an athlete is consistently late to practice, their position on the team may be impacted.

Additional attendance policies are as follows:

  1. All practices and competitions are considered mandatory.
  2. Athletes are allowed up to 8 absences, for any reason, during the season. In the event that these absences are exceeded, the athlete and parent will be asked to meet with the coach. If the issue is not resolved, the athlete may be removed from the competition team.
  3. In the unfortunate event of an injury, the athlete is strongly encouraged to continue to show up for practices. They can continue to learn through watching their teammates.
  4. Athletes who fail to participate in any of the competitions scheduled for the season will be removed from their assigned competition team and ineligible for future competition teams for a period of 1 year (365 days.) Ineligible athletes are encouraged to participate in sideline cheer for the suspension period. Exceptions to this rule are:
    1. The absence is planned and appropriately communicated to the Head Coach at least 2 months prior to the competition. The Head Coach has the authority to approve or deny the absence request.
    2. The Cheerleader is ill and appropriate documentation from a healthcare provider is submitted to the Head Coach and/or Commissioner.
    3. Athlete is injured and unable to perform.
  5. Additional practice days/times may be added for extra comp prep with a 1-week notice. Additional practices are considered mandatory.


Other Practice Policies

Cheer has two practice sites available - GCKA Murfin Fields and the GCKA Bingo Hall.


Murfin Fields – 4570 Haughn Rd, Grove City OH 43123

GCKA Bingo Hall – 4600 W Broad St, Suite G, Columbus OH 43228


Weather is the most important factor when determining the location of cheer practices. Sideline cheer will exclusively practice at Murfin Fields due to the season occurring during the Summer and Fall months. Competition squads will utilize both locations.

Additional policies and considerations are as follows:

  1. Head Coaches will communicate the schedule of practices to include locations and times.
  2. If your child is 10 years old or younger a parent is REQUIRED to remain on site at Murfin field for the duration of the practice time. If you need to leave for any reason this MUST BE communicated with the coach, and she must have your personal number to get ahold of you if needed.
  3. ALL practices held at the Bingo Hall are CLOSED practices.
    1. Closed practice is defined as a practice in which parents drop off their child at the beginning of practice and pick up their child at the end of practice. Parents are not permitted to stay and watch practice.
    2. *NOTE* This is option is intended to ensure a safe and productive practice environment – not be punitive.
    3. Exceptions to this policy can be made ONLY at the Cheer Commissioner’s discretion.


Practice Wear Policy

For safety purposes, all athletes are expected to arrive at practice in athletic clothing and shoes that are comfortable and easy to move in. This includes athletic shorts, leggings, sweatpants, tank tops, sweatshirts and athletic shoes or cheer shoes. Jeans, dresses, sandals, crocs or bare feet are not appropriate practice wear. Hair should always be secured in a ponytail. No jewelry should be worn to practice. These rules are in place for the safety of your child. If they do not arrive in appropriate attire, they will not be allowed to practice.


Communication Policy

We will utilize two primary methods of communication. Please Like our Facebook page ‘Grove City Knights Cheer’ where we share upcoming community events and other important information. You will also be asked to download and utilize TeamSnap, a team communication app.

  • TeamSnap posts will be sent out for all important communication, and it is the family’s responsibility to check and read all communication that is shared.
  • Respectful communication between coaches, staff and other families is required of all users.
  • Please use the “private message’ feature if you need to communicate with the Coach or another parent directly to avoid excessive messages to other users.
  • We will use a ‘Main Communication Board’ to communicate information that impacts all squads. If you have any questions regarding any information that is communicated, please reach out to your Team Mom or Coach.


Cheer Coach Policies

Cheer Coaches are volunteer only. All will be vetted and interviewed by the Cheer Commissioner and Head Cheer Coach. Assistant Coaches will also be interviewed by the Head Coach of the coordinating team. Upon approval, each candidate will undergo a background check at the start of their initial season and every 2 years after.

All coaching assignments will be determined by the Cheer Commissioner and Head Coach of the program.