Tryout Information



Q - When will I find out if my child was selected to a travel team?

A - You will be contacted no later than 2 days after the last tryout date for your child's age group.

Q - Does my child need to attend every session for their age group?

A - It is advised that your child attend at least 2 days of tryouts to assure the coaches can properly evaluate them. However, if your child cannot make it multiple days, it is not required.

Q - What should I do if my child is going to be out of town during their tryout week?

A - Email to set up a supplemental tryout for your child.

Q - Can my child practice with the current team prior to tryouts?

A - Yes! Register for tryouts and then email to set up a guest practice opportunity

Tryout Dates

U8-U12 - May 28, 29, and 30

  • U8-U10 Boys & Girls - 5:45pm-7:00pm
  • U11-U12 Boys & Girls - 7:15pm-8:30pm

U13-U14 - May 20 and 22

  • Boys & Girls - 6:30pm-8:00pm



Murfin Fields
4570 Haughn Rd
Grove City, OH 43123

Click Here to Register

Click Here to Register